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Take the Hassle out of School Lunches

It is that time of year again. As we say goodbye to the lazy days of summer and look ahead to a busy school schedule, the subject of school lunches often starts to rear its ugly head. This is one area that can bring a lot of stress to my clients who are parents. Do you let them buy or pack? If we pack how can we provide nutritious foods that they will actual eat? Am I a bad mom/dad for giving my kid an Uncrustable and fruit snack? In case you are wondering, the answer to the last question is no.

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ArticleElizabeth Richey
Weekly Meal Planning Without the Stress

Sustainable patterns of eating do require some planning and preparation but typical approaches can be time consuming. How many times have you spent hours scrolling on Pintrest or Tik Tok only to feel more lost and overwhelmed than when you started? Most people don’t have the time or energy to spend precious days off planning, shopping and cooking. The key is to work smarter, not harder. This can be achieved with component cooking.

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